calendar 08 May 2024


Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

Flaga Unii Ewuropejskiej

Unia Europejska

z budżetu państwa

Grafika dekoracyjna przedstawiająca wygląd budynku będącego urzędem

Dom Katolicki w Skalmierzycach

This  object comes from the begging of twenties century and it is built on plan of letter T. According to a plaque on one wall :” This house was erected in 1909 and used as a headquarter of meritorious the People’s Bank, Polish bonfire, in November and December 1918  the center of the preparation of the armed branch of the insurgent Skalmierzyce and the neighborhood. At night, on 29th  December 1918, insurgent unit went from here to rebel against Prussian oppression. In the middle of November 1918 convened a rally. The speakers assured the public that it is time for action. Chairmanship in the organization of volunteers assigned to Józefow Idziorow. Since than inhabitants of  Skamielrzyce chaired by Idzior helped in smuggling people and equipment by boundary cordon for organized by the District Council of the People's  Polish division in Kalisz, which was commanded  by Władysław Wawrzyniak. According to memories of insurgents written down by Władysła Boroch: Józef Jaźwiec” It was Sunday, 29th December, late evening. I remember that we were dressed up and suddenly some knocked the window. I didn`t ask and I went because I knew what was going to happened. In Catholic House, in small room Rumiński gave out rifles and Orłowski bullets. Someone brought them. Idzior wasn`t with us. Still, it seems to me that at the meeting and the issue of weapons was Lieutenant Modrzejewski. Before marching he set out on a table and gave us words of encouragement. He was without coat and was carrying “armeepistolete” and he went ahead. It might have been around 40 to 50 people.” Insurgents moved from this place and finally took over Nowe Skalmierzyce. Beside Catholic House increases an oak, which was planted on the first anniversary of independence (11.XI.1919)