calendar 03 May 2024


Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

Flaga Unii Ewuropejskiej

Unia Europejska

z budżetu państwa

Grafika dekoracyjna przedstawiająca wygląd budynku będącego urzędem

Church in Nowe Skalmierzyce

The first efforts to create a contemporary Catholic parish in Nowe Skalmierzyce  was made in 1922. July 3, 1925, Cardinal Edmund Dalbor issued a decree by which on 31st  July 1925  established Catholic parish in Nowe Skalmierzyce dedicated Bożemu Ciału. The name of parish referred to the events of 30th   November 1780, when the church św. Katarzyny in Skalmierzyce were stolen liturgical performances with Blessed Sacrament and were found  wonderfully in the fields, at a later boundary between annexations. The first major problem which  people had to deal with was the lack of the church. Temporarily Sunday Masses were celebrated in the church in Skalmierzyce, during the week in the chapel of the nuns running an orphanage on the Stone Street. In May 1927 the Directorate of State Railways in Poznan, gave the parish packing department of the train former post office into a chapel . In December 1929,  was established the Church supervision, designed to concerns about financial matters. Best place to build a new temple was between Railway Street and 3rd of May, however the land belonged to the parish in Skalmierzycw , which was not too inclined to devotion it. The Committee conducted a long time correspondence with the Archbishop's Curia in Poznan, in this case. In the summer of 1931, hadn`t a final approval yet, started a construction of Catholic House which temporarily, supossed to replace the church. The contractor for the construction company was Mr. Kołodziejczak from Ostrow. At last in 1932 finally Curie helped to arrange the land grant, and than started to procced further construction of the object. In the meantime appeared  a new pastor, Fr. Czeslaw Gmerek, who finished the temple. It was put into operation in October 1932. Her dedication was made by the Polish Primate August Hlond on 8th November 1932 . The outbreak of World War II in 1939 stopped the growth of the parish, which planned to build the parsonage for the priest and the expansion of the temple. After the conflagration of war finally it was possible to resume work on the equipment of the church of Corpus Christi. In 1949, the company from Poznan J. Elsner made  stained glass based on project of painter Marian Schwartz and J. Oźmina. Because of their technical condition in the begining of twenty-first century they were dismantled, and in their place appeared  copies made in the Laboratory of stained M. Janek & Sons of Janikowa   close to Poznan. In the middle of twentieth century were made  murals on the ceiling and in the chancel.